Welcome to Agile Teams on Github!

Current site pages:

Current repositories: (not yet public)

Project Contents Implementation
o2 Data analysis for blood oxygen sensor data. Uses pyedflib and other packages documented in the repo readme. (2022-present) Python
wordclouds Technical resume wordcloud package and UIs for interacting with it. Builds upon Andreas Mueller’s 1word_cloud package and hobbyist license for PySimpleGUI. (2018-present) Python
weather Tools for preprocessing and analyzing weather data (2009, updated in 2017-2018) C# (partially rewritten in Python, for fun)
KPI-ML Key Performance Indicator Markup Language (MESA volunteer activity) (2016-2017) XML + C# support package
PORT Prioritization Of Requirements for Test (NCSU CSC712 and CSC830 project) (2004-2005) Java
Course Contents Implementation
HOML Hands-On Machine Learning projects (private Kaggle competition) (2020) Python
machine learning Machine learning course exercises (IBM certificate in Data Science, EDA with MATLAB, Text Analytics and Predictions) (2019-2020) Python + a little MATLAB
data science Exercises from Data Scientist’s Toolbox (2014) R

Page/site owner: Karen Smiley